August 12, 2014

Bissel Dreck Got It Fercockt!

photo by 'Peter Parker'

 Welcome your eyes and parts of your brain for a hint of enter/edu/detainment.  It's summer yet again and it has been an extremely long time since my last entry. Art still dominates my time and spaces, but I'm
managing to enjoy parts of the summer festivities between work.  

Although I haven't had much mental/physical allotments to bless the blog, I still occasionally butter my bread with adult work.  Some things remain  the same and race relations in sex work is indeed STILL present and accounted for.
Very few folks change the way they like their smacks and tickles and very few of  them change up thoughts, behaviors and methods regarding how they seek out their kicks. This is one of the few areas of work where I've seen that 'cutting' honesty regarding 'stereotypes' and how some things can be true to form.

In this episode, I encounter a nudnik nebbish who steps completely out of pocket once again. I have archived email correspondences in the past with this putz. Apparently he forgot or he thought I misplaced my memory LOL. Either way,  A Little Shit Got It All Fucked Up! o_O

 I was surprised that you dont see jews .  Most black girls prefer jews to black men

I'm not most Black girls and nothing on my ad mentioned black men lol
The reason why 'most' prefer jews and in particular since that part of my ad compelled you to write is because although most of hasidic guys are 'easy' in one aspect, you're in, you 'enjoy' the moment, you're out it's all good. 
HOWEVER, most of 'you' (in particular as I am implicitly clear about Hasidics)  are a headache in the way the majority of y'all often behave poorly pre and during session amongst other compromising factors. 
Also, some of those gals may need your money & are willing to endure the moments for their end goal.

...and there's the difference in Me and "most black girls" my dear...

My needs vs wants are well defined for myself.  Therefore, I don't need to subject myself to the idiosyncratic tawdry & droll, poor behaved tendencies of the sexually frustrated ones that often are within your sensually starved community.

 You are wrong on many counts.  Those black women go out of their way to court jewish clients,  they dont just tolerate them.  They write that explicitly in their ads. So that shows that we are very desirable.
However,  with black males they openly discriminate against their own out of fear for their safety because of their aggressive behavior.
 No one feels that way about jewish clients. They are known to be safe and non threatening.  One domme even put an ad that limits herself only to religious and hassidic clients.
Therefore,  it must be that your reasons are purely racist, because they dont jive with the reality and the truth. 

gif generated via Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford in 'Mommy Dearest '
You're Hasidic arent ya (that is rhetorical)No one gets up in arms about this shit than y'all when you're "surprised".   Usually most just scroll on by.   Every once in a blue moon though someone questions my preference and sometimes I neglect responding.  Today the words "most black girls" lol yeah I wanted to insight a small verbal joust.

From the top, let me school ya right quick:

1) No no I'm not racist. However, I'm unapologetic about my prejudices due to a plethora of experiences my dear thirsty troll.  Get it right!
Racist/Racism is a discriminatory hatred of a group of people which becomes institutionalized  governed and implemented by bodies of privilege.   Stopping one group’s advancement or the equality of advancement due to this hatred inevitably  for gains of another group.  THIS situation we’re discussing is not that!  You need to do homework and lots of it if you're going to come at me with that especially in the realms of pleasure work.

I'm utterly annoyed with how some of you bullshit guys come at me .  Awwww :(  you can't play with the pretty toy because I have an expressed preference.   I let ya in on a lil 'truth of the day' and I called out yourself & SOME/MOST of your brethren's shitty behavior. do know what that word means right?  Superlative of many or much, but not ALL.  YOU chose that word.  Reading is fundamental and comprehension is second to none.

2) "so we are very desirable"  your quote lol Okay for MOST of those other girls perhaps due to what? Some (not all dearest read clearly) of those gals may need your money & are willing to endure the moments for their end goal.  Some of the gents are 'safe' in one aspect, but a headache in other ways such as not respecting boundaries set by the purveyor and I stand firm on that due to particular numerous experiences with Hasidics.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... chances are it's a duck... now there's many breeds of ducks that do numerous things but ya know... lol

Also, you fail to realize that there was a time when some of the gals on the boards swapped and shared stories. This is why it behooves the patrons to be on their best behavior. We know you'll see others and that's fine, but if you're getting something from one gal and expect it to be the same with the other girl lol that's POOR session etiquette.  HAGGLING (as you're known to do) is poor session etiquette and a host of other things... BUT I won't make this personal.   

Once again I am not "MOST" Black girls and 2ndly the reality is... you have a want/need they have a want/need some are good some are great at fulfilling such fantasies.  HOWEVER, this is not an equal opportunity kind of business and my discernment is to uphold at my discretion dearest.  In efforts to not even test the waters again after 10+ times not being the charm in dealing with the likes, I'll pass on Hasidics all together as it's my prerogative and choice.

"no one thinks of the jewish clients like that" - your butt hurt quote lol Your bootleg 'privilege' lulls you into this way of thinking that you're the shit.  Hey it's funny how you point out black men being openly discriminated against with "those women" on the boards and how you point out the 'Jewish desirability'.  FACT - Your lusty prejudiced fetishzation of Black Women led you to the ads and led you to call black girls and so on.  Oh darling, the sex work prejudice/racism and the intersectionality that happens within it is indeed a discussion. But not for me to have with you because you're on the receiving end of the work stick.  You lack the comprehension for such a discussion.

Don't be completely displeased with me sir lol. Reality Check for you ~ You were the one that was "surprised" & felt the need to write me and so I was cordially honest in my response. Maybe too candid/honest for you eh...

I'm not surprised by your behavior though dearest because we've had a brief verbal encounter before and you were on some bullshit then as you are now. Tsk tsk what a pity.

most black girls- your quote; would've told you fuck you, eat shit and die maybe LOL.  However, I took the edu-taining route, thanks for being a good sport & I hope you learned something positive. 
 If not, that's not my fucking problem and neither is your hurt ego.
I've now grown tired of this moment...

Furthermore PLEASE stay the fuck off of my ad and best wishes for a continued search for a more pleasantly pleasurable purveyor.

Sorry I didn't mean to get personal and bring out those type of feelings. I would never tell any human being to die.  Maybe,  thats the difference between us. Nevertheless, you do have that right to pick and choose, as do I .

You brought nothing but yourself and got yourself handed back to you efficiently.
No feelings damaged nor grand offenses taken on my end.
Neither would I tell someone to die deary as you remember I said I'm not "most black girls" - your quote  (might want to re-read that line regarding the 'die' part for personal clarity if compelled)

I know you are not just any black girl.  The reason I write to you is because I see beyond any stereotypes,  and respect you as an extremely intelligent woman.     I was just hoping that you would do same with me and see beyond any stereotypes for who I am.   I have nothing against you and apologize if I offended you in any way. 

Press Play lol -            

photo by 'Peter Parker'
I didn't bother responding back to this scmhuck's  last email.  I started to hear the sad violins playing in the background of my head while he tried to 'clean up' his bullshit with a "I'm sorry....yadda yadda .  He served up the 'stereotype' and then got upset because I aired out the typical bullshit. So I delivered some charitable clarity. Did I need to do it?  No, it was a 'want' considering I've had a run in with him some time back that proved unfavorable for him.  Also it made for good blogging :)

 Seriously though, sex work IS NOT (I repeat) is not the kind of situation where there are EOE or EOP (equal opportunity patron) jurisdictions. This is not a serve one serve all kind of affair.  You enter the realms and leave on your own accord.  People tend to hide behind the guises of being politically correct in virtually every other facet of living knowing good and cotdamn well it's contrary on what they REALLY think o_O.  Whether I see a particular kind of client or not is not up for discussion considering I'm also dealing with my OWN proclivities and enjoyable preferences while I'm 'on the job' along with my experiences that render true to me. ESPECIALLY since I've been through them numerous times.  Once again, if it walks like a sexy duck and quacks like a sexy duck then damnit it's a sexy duck!  Most folks think we're goyims & silly uneducated nafkas anyway until proven otherwise o_o.  The downsides to dealing with the some of the meshugginas of the world oye vey! 

If anyone is offended by what I have shared here as I've said before and will continue to say; please feel free to take a walk in my stilettos, hold my whip then holla at a Pro scholar only after YOU'VE done so.

Want more of the Dynamic one?  I now reside in Tumblr  via The Altered States of Aura... for randomly enthusiastic duels of duality & musings beyond the Domme-sphere.  

Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries™' will predominantly contain thoughtful musings or direct adventures of Aura Dynamo.  However, names, exact dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the 'innocent' and a few idiots.
photo by 'Othello'

"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo®
Audacity Of… © 2014

June 24, 2013

Kinky Clientele Hells

Welcome Welcome Welcome those who are 'in the know' and the new eyes gracing The Domme Diaries 2nd edition.  I sincerely thank you for taking some time to perhaps be enter/edutained.

Since most art modeling work has slowed down,  I can now divert and devote a bit more time doing one of the many other things I enjoy and that's purveying kink.

However, as with everything, there's always a sliver of murky dark gray in the bright silver linings of any and every gig.

This entry shall shed some light on a  part of a subject that I 'carefully' walk around at times because I'm still growing and with growth, a person such as myself learn heavily through experiences.  These experiences cultivate who I am as a whole and in context to my Domme moments; how I operate.  HOWEVER, I am going to be candid with this particular entry.

As it pertain to race; in the past I've questioned and continuously wonder about POC presence in kink.  I've since then begun networking with and becoming more aware of some male and female POC who talk/educate/engage in kink privately as well as professionally.

BUT this entry (as most of my entries are) is definitely about the purveyor side of kink and the implications of mostly a misdirected and gravely miss-educated set of gentlemen who want to engage in kink on a pay for play basis.

This is about 'The Black Male Client' (insert 'dun dun duunnnn' piano sound bite here)

This may be a salty reality to digest for some, but virtually every time I accept a black client, some bullshit always happens when it comes to them procuring Professional service.

  • Constant Haggling - You want to haggle, then go somewhere else.  Because the other broads are short changing themselves for the same session or doing four much for too little, & that's a whole other matter all together. Subsequently, that issue spreads across the professional sectors because the gents come with this attitude. 
  • Black Penis Privilege - Because we’re both black so we should be cool and they’re paying for a kinky service, so they feel that they should be granted some special sexual privilege. Like they’re doing me a favor. This kind of bootleg 'swagger' or attitude they approach me with gets thwarted when I tell them, “I really don’t need your money”.  Then they get upset. Fuck you, you came to me with your  'I shouldn't even be paying you' 'sexual privilege' attitude bullshit.  Check that shit at the fucking gate!  There’s good client’s which I ‘need’ their money ($300+ clients) and then there’s the hagglers who try to get over on sessions. They’ll  request ala-cart (e.g. foot sessions which costs less because it's not considered an well rounded session) and then try to ask for more features to their session.  Especially shit that’s never on the menu like my vaginaI make it very clear, there’s no sex with me in the champagne room damnit! I don’t care how much you think I’m ‘into it/you’ and thinking it can turn into you fucking me.  NOT Happening!  If you wanted sex, you should go to the ladies that work in that dept.  At least they specialize in exactly what you want therefore, not wasting my time and energy on 'debating' while we're in session.  
  • Counterfeit Money - That shit is a HUGE problem out here right now.  Parts of my business is paid in cash and occasionally through plastic.  However, there are a lot of 10’s and 20’s floating around killing wallets.  And due to the geography of the demographics, unfortunately, a majority of black clients seem to have them.  I’ve heard directly from many other Pros with similar issues. Fortunately, it has never happened to me until of course I got two fake 20’s from a recent session with who?  A black client (wasn’t the same client that other folks have seen. Some Pro’s share info, so I made sure to ask as they've had similar accounts). 

Before someone asks, do you check the money?  It’s ‘proper’ Pro etiquette to settle debt upfront to ensure that the correct amount is paid before a session begins.  I’ve been working for a long while so I can literally feel certain amounts by touch and do a fairly quick scan.  But now I may have to change that practice and literally take extra moments to check the coins.

That was my first time with 'wooden nickels' & it will be my last.  However, the other issues are things I’ve had to contend with 98% of the time (that ole black penis privilege which makes for awkward sessioning and the constant haggling which is my personal/professional pet peeve #1).  I have one older black gent on the roster and he causes me no grief.  BUT I still had to set him straight once about the 'black penis privilege' attitude at first.  We’re straight now but quite frankly that’s it for me professionally speaking.  

AND before someone gives me shit about white clients (or other races besides black)... The ones I choose to work with know their lane from the start and if an infraction occurs during our tenure, I only have to pull their shit card ONE TIME.  Contingent upon the infraction (which seldom happens), I choose to continue sessioning or not as he has understood. Unfortunately, it’s never a one time issue with my chosen black clients. I know the ratio of black men vs white who seek Pro Kink service is much smaller, but damn man EVERY TIME there’s gotta be some special bullshit and it’s always this SAME typical kind of bullshit?  This is not 'the white savior' complex mentality and this definitely is not ‘the customer is always right’ kind of business.  I call it like I experience it. 

As much as I tried to give the benefit of the doubt and accept black clients (and believe me I've REALLY tried with quite a few from the 'average' working man to the executive). I get excited when I see a brother venturing into some form of kink and even happier when they are wanting to hire me to help explore it. But every time I’ve done it, I tell ya it never fails.  Perhaps this viewpoint will change in the future, but for now, I'll pass.  

Now if anyone has an issue with my real life experience regarding this 'delicate' subject matter, please feel free to take a walk in my stilettos, hold my whip then holla at a Pro scholar only after you’ve done so.

Want more of the Dynamic one?  I now reside in Tumblr  via The Altered States of Aura... for random enthusiastic musings beyond the Domme-sphere. Or I'm occasionally in the tweet tree via twitter @eyesonaura. You can also find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If for some reason you can't find me there, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.

Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries™' will predominantly contain thoughtful musings or direct adventures of Aura Dynamo.  However, names, exact dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the 'innocent' and a few idiots.

"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo®
Audacity Of… © 2013

Aura Dynamo captured by Henry Adebonojo (1st & last photos)

February 9, 2013

Review of Shades of Kink via Lisa Ling's 'Our America'

Greetings and Salutations curiously kinky or versed kinksters.
I just finished watching Lisa Ling's 'Our America' episode on Shades of Kink and it was ok.  I mean how much can one cover in just one 'session'.  So many layers so little time and definitely so little of the attention span with most of the masses.  

Most folks like their stories fed to them in shiny snazzy spiritedly stupendous dishes served hot and spicy & they have to SEE IT (oye vey to the 'lead by sight' folks).  But pardon me if I can say this oh so boldly to you, THIS & all other TDD entries isn't about you and how 'easy' you need your elixirs to go down. Or how to excite the masses.  What THIS is about and what it has always been about is me submitting to your conscious and opening up a personal (maybe even entertaining view) accounts of thinking/being/doing that most of the masses only imagine. Or rather the new influx of folks who have become curiously little kitties by a best selling fantasy book that most 'surface folk' or known as 'vanilla' think IS what BDSM is all about.  

Now I'm not going to throw overt 'shade' on anyone's preferential parade on how they see/feel/engage in kinky exercises.  But when one says, "this could be shocking"  and I see some of the same things that are in 'fantasy novels', it's like, "oooookay". But then again, I'm a sadist in my 'public' kink play/practiced purveyorship.  I also know there are still plenty of people who are dismissive towards this subject and scoff at the notion that people actually do things like this.  

Anyway, I haven't delved into the areas of couples play in depth within The Domme Diares (season 1 or 2) & what I found most intriguing about Lisa Ling's look into BDSM, was this lovely couple: 

The description of the segment: While seemingly vanilla couple Monica and Keith both enjoy BDSM, Monica struggles to assume the submissive role when they play. In an attempt to work the kinks out of their kink, they head to "La Domaine," a BDSM bed and breakfast where they receive advice from two experts in domination and submission.

I've played with couples quite a few times.  Whether it was instructing them on how to use kink toys properly, how to assert Dominance and maintain receptivity while in a scene, or dominating both. If they were new to the scene, just getting the couples to talk not only about their fantasy, but building a dialog about their feelings outside of kink along watching them interact once their guards were let down has always been a beautiful thing to be a part of.  

However, I couldn't help but notice that there's also another spectrum of BDSM that still remained untold and that is BDSM from a POC (people of color) perspective.  Yes, the catalyst are some of the same things but there's still a different internal sensibility in how some POC have become introduced to it and how some choose to play (in particular black people because I can speak from that perspective being a black woman who's into kink).  Our voices are very prevalent to the pot because some of us have had hindered experiences due to what slavery/bondage means from a psychological sociological political view vs intimacies that incorporate certain areas of play (using apparatuses such as whips, chains, ropes, plantation styled handcuffs, degradation along with the dynamics of a 'Master' 'slave' relationships etc...) Along with some of the sexual stigmas associated with other areas of play (e.g. straight black men who enjoy Dominance & strap play from a woman would be a major topic of discussion as it veers into what is masculinity vs sexuality vs  kinky proclivities).
Personally, I do not currently 'own' any 'slaves' and when I had a few private subs, I never referred to them that way. They were my pets, subs, bottom boys, fuck-nuggets (if they misbehaved) amongst a few other choice names I called them.  I still don't subscribe to the term 'slave' because of my own sensibilities within that subject matter in it's entirety outside of kink.

I personally would like to see these explored on a national scale with the high def quality & sensitive care Lisa Ling conveyed on the white hand side.  

Want more of the Dynamic one?  I now reside in Tumblr land via The Altered States of Aura... for random enthusiastic musings beyond the Domme-sphere.  You can also find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If for some reason you can't find me there, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.

Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries™' will predominantly contain thoughtful musings or direct adventures of Aura Dynamo.  However, names, exact dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the 'innocent' and a few idiots.

"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo®
Audacity Of… © 2013

Aura Dynamo captured by Henry Adebonojo 

Youtube clip is from Lisa Ling's Our America; Shades of Kink which is on OWN Network (check your local listings). 

January 4, 2013

A Grander You In The New Year

As the ball dropped, my glorious balls did not drop into anyone nor did I kick anyone in their nutty nuggets.  BUT the year is young and there WILL be some ass slapping kinksters and/or submissive shenanigans on the way.

It's now time to get back to the business of being Audacious as I continue to embrace the choices, challenges and fantastic changes ahead.  

Strap in tight (pun intended) and stay tuned.... 

Want more of the Dynamic one?  I now reside in Tumblr land via The Altered States of Aura... for random enthusiastic musings beyond the Domme-sphere.  You can also find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If for some reason you can't find me there, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.

Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries™' will predominantly be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo.  However, names, exact dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the 'innocent' and a few idiots.  

"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo®
Audacity Of… © 2013

Aura Dynamo captured by Henry Adebonojo 

December 18, 2012

Moments in Time - Catching Up

Grand Grateful Greetings, Mozel Tov and all the other seasonable salutations one can muster up these days.  
The calendar is spinning and I've been wrapped up in wrapping up much busy business inside and outside the kinky playpen. 

My life has been inundated with most things Art posing for very talented sketchers, painters and sculptors. Along with making some hard working strides in the VO (voice over) biz which is sure to keep me tied up (no pun intended lol).  I'm trying to broaden my skill set & continue to keep my ass out of corporate.  But the realms of D/s are seldom out of reach for me creatively, personally and professionally.  

Speaking of creative, as some/most of you are aware, I enjoy doing my shutterbugboogie (photography) on occasion.  I recently had the pleasure of having a few choice photos spreads showcased into my dear friend Arielle Loren's GREAT online magazine Corset.  If you haven't taken a taste of the last three juicy issues, let me tell you, THIS fourth issue SCREAMS of SEXY (pun intended).  Of course it's on one of my favorite life long subject of kink.  

Here's a sneak peak: 

This photo collage was intimately captured on a hot pre-summer day with the Abigail Ekue and the darling Max.  It was his first experience being leashed, corseted and mummified.

I can admit, it was one of my more 'tamer' sessions as I was a bit more gentler in my handling of him.  Here are a couple of candid shots that I saved exclusively for TDD2.  

Wrapping him up tight (partial mummification) 

How I enjoy incorporating a little bit of knife play especially around those 'sensitive parts'.  Since he was a good boy, here I am releasing 'my toy' for a bit of tease and denial (orgasm control/ruined orgasm) 

 And of course my 'tumblr famous' brown behemoth, 'The Honeymooner' makes a glorious extended photo spread appearance in:

You can only see the rest of the goods if you subscribe to Corset magazine. Besides, there are plenty of immensely interesting and titillatingly honest stories along with GREAT photo spreads that hopefully will insight a riot on the kinky exploration side (safe, sane and consensually speaking). 

Want more of the Dynamic one?  I now reside in Tumblr land via The Altered States of Aura... for random enthusiastic musings beyond the Domme-sphere.  You can also find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If for some reason you can't find me there, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.

Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries' will predominantly be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo.  However, names, exact dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the 'innocent' and a few idiots.  

"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo  

Audacity Of… © 2012

For Arielle Loren's Corset magazine - click here 
Aura Dynamo featuring Max captured by Abigail Ekue - 

January 2, 2012

Switch in the Sweet sub-Seat (a wet dream)

Welcome back to The Domme Diaries 2nd season and of course Happy New Year to you. Perhaps a more Happier Kinkier New Year to you.  I've been on writing hiatus for a short spell. But the good Domme has been busily tinkering with realms of work and figuring out 'what's next' in her creative senses.

Currently being/running a one woman circus does has it's drawbacks and sleep is usually the first thing on the guillotine.  But when this humble beauty captures a few catnaps between spaces, dreams start to unfurl from the quiet kinky embers....

                                                                  Please click the soundcloud link for dreamy XXX audio

.....My ass wriggled anticipating the stinging cold sensation sliding across my skin. However, she just rubbed a piece over my horse bit and I sighed.  My hot mouth being restricted to just feeling cold droplets resting briefly before their departure down the sides of my mouth and onto my chin. I felt my asshole clench tighter around my plug as she did this. I moaned impatiently......

Perhaps I'd sleep more often if I had dreams like that more often ;)  Or maybe....HA hmmm...naaaaah LOL
Needless to say, I woke up with a smile from that epically GREAT catnap.

 Want more of the Dynamic one?  I now reside in Tumblr land via The Altered States of Aura... for random enthusiastic musings beyond the Domme-sphere.  You can also find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.

Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, exact dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the 'innocent' and a few idiots.

"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo  

Audacity Of… © 2011

**Bedtime Beauty - Aura Dynamo captured by 'Phant' for Phantom Graffics**
**'Wet Dream' short story composed by the kinkster herself, Aura Dynamo** 
**The Domme Diaries Season 1**