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photo by 'Peter Parker' |
Welcome your eyes and parts of your brain for a hint of enter/edu/detainment. It's summer yet again and it has been an extremely long time since my last entry. Art still dominates my time and spaces, but I'm
managing to enjoy parts of the summer festivities between work.
Although I haven't had much mental/physical allotments to bless the blog, I still occasionally butter my bread with adult work. Some things remain the same and race relations in sex work is indeed STILL present and accounted for.
Very few folks change the way they like their smacks and tickles and very few of them change up thoughts, behaviors and methods regarding how they seek out their kicks. This is one of the few areas of work where I've seen that 'cutting' honesty regarding 'stereotypes' and how some things can be true to form.
In this episode, I encounter a nudnik nebbish who steps completely out of pocket once again. I have archived email correspondences in the past with this putz. Apparently he forgot or he thought I misplaced my memory LOL. Either way, A Little Shit Got It All Fucked Up! o_O
I was surprised that you dont see jews . Most black girls prefer jews to black men
I'm not most Black girls and nothing on my ad mentioned
black men lol
The reason why 'most' prefer jews and in particular since
that part of my ad compelled you to write is because although most of hasidic
guys are 'easy' in one aspect, you're in, you 'enjoy' the moment, you're out
it's all good.
HOWEVER, most of 'you' (in particular as I am implicitly
clear about Hasidics) are a headache in
the way the majority of y'all often behave poorly pre and during session
amongst other compromising factors.
Also, some of those gals may need your money & are
willing to endure the moments for their end goal.
...and there's the difference in Me and "most black
girls" my dear...
My needs vs wants are well defined for myself. Therefore, I don't need to subject myself to
the idiosyncratic tawdry & droll, poor behaved tendencies of the sexually
frustrated ones that often are within your sensually starved community.
You are wrong on
many counts. Those black women go out of
their way to court jewish clients, they
dont just tolerate them. They write that
explicitly in their ads. So that shows that we are very desirable.
However, with
black males they openly discriminate against their own out of fear for their
safety because of their aggressive behavior.
No one feels that
way about jewish clients. They are known to be safe and non threatening. One domme even put an ad that limits herself
only to religious and hassidic clients.
Therefore, it must
be that your reasons are purely racist, because they dont jive with the reality
and the truth.
You're Hasidic arent ya (that is rhetorical). No one gets up in arms about this shit than
y'all when you're "surprised".
Usually most just scroll on by. Every once in a blue moon though someone
questions my preference and sometimes I neglect responding. Today the words "most black girls"
lol yeah I wanted to insight a small verbal joust.
From the top, let me school ya right quick:
1) No no I'm not racist. However, I'm unapologetic about
my prejudices due to a plethora of experiences my dear thirsty troll. Get it right!
Racist/Racism is a discriminatory hatred of a group of
people which becomes institutionalized governed
and implemented by bodies of privilege. Stopping one group’s advancement or the equality
of advancement due to this hatred inevitably for gains of another group. THIS situation we’re discussing is not that! You need to do homework and lots of it if
you're going to come at me with that especially in the realms of pleasure work.
I'm utterly annoyed with how some of you bullshit guys
come at me . Awwww :( you can't play with the pretty toy because I
have an expressed preference. I let ya in on a lil 'truth of the day' and I
called out yourself & SOME/MOST of your brethren's shitty behavior.
MOST...you do know what that word means right? Superlative of many or much, but not ALL. YOU chose that word. Reading is fundamental and comprehension is
second to none.
2) "so we are
very desirable" your quote lol
Okay for MOST of those other girls perhaps due to what? Some (not all dearest
read clearly) of those gals may need your money & are willing to endure the
moments for their end goal. Some of the
gents are 'safe' in one aspect, but a headache in other ways such as not
respecting boundaries set by the purveyor and I stand firm on that due to particular
numerous experiences with Hasidics.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... chances
are it's a duck... now there's many breeds of ducks that do numerous things but
ya know... lol
Also, you fail to realize that there was a time when some
of the gals on the boards talked...lol swapped and shared stories. This is
why it behooves the patrons to be on their best behavior. We know you'll see
others and that's fine, but if you're getting something from one gal and expect
it to be the same with the other girl lol that's POOR session etiquette. HAGGLING (as you're known to do) is poor
session etiquette and a host of other things... BUT I won't make this personal.
Once again I am not "MOST" Black girls and 2ndly the
reality is... you have a want/need they have a want/need some are good some are
great at fulfilling such fantasies. HOWEVER,
this is not an equal opportunity kind of business and my discernment is to
uphold at my discretion dearest. In
efforts to not even test the waters again after 10+ times not being the charm
in dealing with the likes, I'll pass on Hasidics all together as it's my
prerogative and choice.
"no one thinks
of the jewish clients like that" - your butt hurt quote lol Your bootleg 'privilege'
lulls you into this way of thinking that you're the shit. Hey it's funny how you point out black men
being openly discriminated against with "those women" on the boards
and how you point out the 'Jewish desirability'. FACT - Your lusty prejudiced
fetishzation of Black Women led you to the ads and led you to call black girls
and so on. Oh darling, the
sex work prejudice/racism and the intersectionality that happens within it is
indeed a discussion. But not for me to have with you because you're on the
receiving end of the work stick. You lack
the comprehension for such a discussion.
Don't be completely displeased with me sir lol. Reality
Check for you ~ You were the one that was "surprised" & felt the
need to write me and so I was cordially honest in my response. Maybe too
candid/honest for you eh...
I'm not surprised by your behavior though dearest because
we've had a brief verbal encounter before and you were on some bullshit then as
you are now. Tsk tsk what a pity.
“most black girls” - your quote; would've told you fuck you, eat shit and die
maybe LOL. However, I took the
edu-taining route, thanks for being a good sport & I hope you learned
something positive.
If not, that's not
my fucking problem and neither is your hurt ego.
I've now grown tired of this moment...
Furthermore PLEASE stay the fuck off of my ad and best
wishes for a continued search for a more pleasantly pleasurable purveyor.
Sorry I didn't mean to get personal and bring out those
type of feelings. I would never tell any human being to die. Maybe,
thats the difference between us. Nevertheless, you do have that right to
pick and choose, as do I .
You brought nothing but yourself and got yourself handed
back to you efficiently.
No feelings damaged nor grand offenses taken on my end.
Neither would I tell someone to die deary as you remember
I said I'm not "most black girls" - your quote (might
want to re-read that line regarding the 'die' part for personal clarity if
I know you are not just any black girl. The reason I write to you is because I see
beyond any stereotypes, and respect you
as an extremely intelligent woman. I
was just hoping that you would do same with me and see beyond any stereotypes
for who I am. I have nothing against
you and apologize if I offended you in any way.
Press Play lol - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8E_zMLCRNg |
photo by 'Peter Parker' |
Seriously though, sex work IS NOT (I repeat) is not the kind of situation where there are EOE or EOP (equal opportunity patron) jurisdictions. This is not a serve one serve all kind of affair. You enter the realms and leave on your own accord. People tend to hide behind the guises of being politically correct in virtually every other facet of living knowing good and cotdamn well it's contrary on what they REALLY think o_O. Whether I see a particular kind of client or not is not up for discussion considering I'm also dealing with my OWN proclivities and enjoyable preferences while I'm 'on the job' along with my experiences that render true to me. ESPECIALLY since I've been through them numerous times. Once again, if it walks like a sexy duck and quacks like a sexy duck then damnit it's a sexy duck! Most folks think we're goyims & silly uneducated nafkas anyway until proven otherwise o_o. The downsides to dealing with the some of the meshugginas of the world oye vey!
If anyone is offended by what I have shared here as I've said before and will continue to say; please feel free to take a walk in my stilettos, hold my whip then holla at a Pro scholar only after YOU'VE done so.
Want more of the Dynamic one? I now reside in Tumblr via The Altered States of Aura... auradacity-of.tumblr.com for randomly enthusiastic duels of duality & musings beyond the Domme-sphere.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries™' will
predominantly contain thoughtful musings or direct adventures of Aura
Dynamo. However, names, exact dates and anything else that might prove
otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the 'innocent' and a few
"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo®
Audacity Of… © 2014
Audacity Of… © 2014